A Few Things You Probably Did Not Know About Renting And Window Treatments
When you rent a residential property, your windows should have window treatments. There are other things about window coverings and rental properties that you probably did not know. Those rules and more unusual tidbits are as follows.
Why Landlords and Landladies Have to Cover the Windows
Rental properties often require that the proprietors have window coverings. This can be blinds, curtains, or anything that will sufficiently provide tenants with privacy. This landlord/tenant law stems from the fact that every person under the law is entitled to privacy, and that includes people with physical and cognitive limitations and challenges. Ergo, as a normal, typical tenant, you are guaranteed that same right to privacy under the law, and your privacy while living in the apartment requires that the windows be covered so that you can do as you please without feeling as though you are being spied upon or watched.
Why You Are Allowed to Take Window Treatments with You If You Bought Them
If you buy and pay for window coverings as a tenant, your landlord/lady cannot deduct the cost of the missing coverings when you move out and take the coverings with you. You bought and paid for them; they are rightfully yours, and your landlord/lady cannot charge you for taking with you what is yours. If your landlord/lady does try to charge you for the window coverings you bought, you may have to take him/her to court and present your receipt for the coverings you bought in order to get your security deposit back.
If You Damage Your Landlord's Window Coverings, You May Have to Pay for Them
Damaging window coverings that are not yours means that you do have to pay for them. If you have a pet and have paid a pet deposit, the landlord/lady can take that cost in damages out of the pet deposit. If you live in an apartment for a very long time, and the curtains or blinds are just generally worn out and fall apart on their own, then the landlord/lady may not be allowed to charge you to replace them.
As an example, say that you live in the same apartment for ten-plus years. Cheap plastic blinds will wear out in that time, and they should be replaced by your landlord/lady when they wear out. If your landlord/lady does not replace the blinds during the time you live there, he/she cannot charge you to replace them when you finally vacate the apartment.
For more information, contact a company like Ripley's Blind & Drapery today.