Time To Prepare: 3 Things You'll Need To Have In A Disaster

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You never know when a disaster is going to strike, which is why it's important to prepare in advance. Being properly prepared will help you survive a disaster – natural or man-made. However, preparation can seem like a daunting task, especially if you aren't sure where to start. Luckily, you don't have to get everything together right away. In fact, you can start small, and work your way up to the perfect disaster preparations. You do have to start somewhere though. To help get you started, here are three things you'll need for your disaster preparations.

Stand-by Generator

When it comes to preparing yourself for a disaster, a stand-by generator is one of the first things you should get. A disaster can knock out the electricity, which will leave you, and everyone around you, without power. When that happens, your lights will go out, and so will your refrigerator, which means your perishable food is going to perish very quickly. Having a stand-by generator on your property will ensure that you have access to power when everything around you goes dark. Be sure to store extra fuel for your generator. You don't want to have a generator that you can't use, when you're out of power.

Cultivated Garden Area

During a disaster, you may be cut off from a trustworthy food supply for a long time. This is particularly true if you live in a rural area. Emergency workers may have a difficult time opening up a transportation route to your area. That's why it's crucial that you have a cultivated garden area on your property. Keeping an area permanently cultivated will ensure that you're able to begin growing your own vegetables as soon as possible. Be sure to store plenty of seed packets in your emergency supplies. While it will take a while to begin consuming the vegetables you're growing, once they're producing, you'll have a steady supply of food on hand for you and your family to eat. It's important to remember that in a disaster, stores may be able to continue stocking commodities such as canned goods, but fresh produce might be hard to come by.

Water Storage

In a disaster, the water supply may be contaminated. Unfortunately, the human body can go longer without food, than it can without water. That's why it's so important that you have a supply of water on hand. Luckily, you don't have to go to a big expense to store water. One way to store water is to use your empty soda bottles. Simply clean them out, fill them with water, and store them in a cool, dry place. You'll need to have 1 gallon of water per person, per day for your emergency supply. So, if you're preparing for 30-day emergency supply, you'll need 30 gallons of water per person.

A disaster could strike at any minute. Don't get caught without the supplies you'll need to survive. The tips provided here will help you prepare for a natural, or man-made disaster. For more information, contact a company like Anderson Water Systems.
